Russian WomenRussian Women
The information provided in this area of each woman's bio pagedoes not specifically relate to the woman featured here. Any relation is coincidence. It is used to relay comments from our current and past clients and to keep our clients informed of new services and recent developments.

Russian Women ID: 52504
Nome: Svetlana
Paese: Ukraine
Citta`: Nikolaev
Eta`: 50
Data di nascita: 25 Mar 1974
Peso: 50 kg
Altezza: 168 cm
Colore degli occhi: Green
Colore dei cappelli: Blond
Stato civile: Divorced
Figli: 0
Fumatore: No
Bevitore: No
Religione: Christian
Educazione: Media
Titolo professionale: a dentist
Gli sport:

Autodescrizione: An active and healthy lifestyle is a top priority in my life. I try to keep myself physically and mentally fit. I like home comfort, knitting, sewing. My friends consider me to be cheerful, communicative, responsive and nice. I am a merry, kind and caring lady. I try to be always sincere and honest in relationships.

I commenti: I am looking for a kind, balanced, tender, responsible and intelligent man

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Russian Women

Russian Women

Russian Women Russian Women