Russian WomenRussian Women
"Never before haveI had so much mail from all over the world and from so many women." (commenting on his placement in the AFA Western Men's Magazine)
Trevor H. - June, 1997

Russian Women ID: 51448
Nome: Tatyana
Paese: Ukraine
Citta`: Simferopol
Eta`: 53
Data di nascita: 17 Jul 1971
Peso: 50 kg
Altezza: 160 cm
Misure: 91-71-92 (cm)
Colore degli occhi: Castagni chiari
Colore dei cappelli: Dark brown
Stato civile: Divorced
Figli: 0
Fumatore: No
Bevitore: No
Religione: Christian
Educazione: Some College
Titolo professionale: busimess owner
Gli sport:

Autodescrizione: My friends say that I'm kind, feminine, easy, sincere, faithful woman. I like children, animals.

I commenti: I'm seeking for strong, handsome, intelligent, caring man. Honesty is too important for me, because I must trust to my life partner.

Call me now, don't have her phone number, no problem, click here!

Russian Women

Russian Women

Russian Women Russian Women